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Type A

2008年08月17日 | 英語学習
Type T( "A personality type that regularly seeks out thrilling or dangerous experiences." )と題した話を4月に書きその中で "Type A" についても触れましたがRD6月号の米国大統領候補オバマ氏の生い立ちの記事 "Raising Obama" に出てきました。
I've never been in a place with a larger collection of egos. Lawyers, in particular, are already Type A. He stuck out as putting himself apart from that.
前回 "Type A" については簡単に "Competitive, driven, stressed, workaholic" と紹介しましたがWikipediaで見てみると:Type A individuals can be described as impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about their status, highly competitive, hostile and aggressive, and incapable of relaxation. They are often high achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhappy about the smallest of delays. Because of these characteristics, Type A individuals are often described as "stress junkies."
もちろん人の性格を単純にタイプ分けする事については批判がありますが(詳しくはWikipediaに任せます)"Type A" と "Type B" (Relaxed, patient, friendly person)は米国では常識のようなので憶えておくと良いようです。
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