"fish" で頭に浮かぶのは魚か魚を釣ること位ですよね。しかしジュニア小説の 'A Wind in the Door' にこんな一節がありました。
"My handkerchief is filthy." But Calvin fished in his pockets.
Dictionary.comで見ると "fish" の動詞の項にポケットを "fish" する目的語がある場合と無い場合の各例があります。
・to draw, as by fishing (often fol. by up or out): He fished a coin out of his pocket for the boy.
・to search carefully: He fished through all his pockets but his wallet was gone.
"My handkerchief is filthy." But Calvin fished in his pockets.
Dictionary.comで見ると "fish" の動詞の項にポケットを "fish" する目的語がある場合と無い場合の各例があります。
・to draw, as by fishing (often fol. by up or out): He fished a coin out of his pocket for the boy.
・to search carefully: He fished through all his pockets but his wallet was gone.