ジュニア小説の 'A Wind in the Door' の一節です。
It's perfectly possible that it's been going on for billennia, and only now are our instruments capable of recording it."
"billennia" が非常に大きい数字である事は容易に想像がつきます。でもオンライン辞書検索のOneLook
で引っ掛かったのはA Dictionary of Units of Measurementの辞書だけでした。
"billennia": a new word meaning "billions of years," billennia is appearing informally in science writing in phrases such as "countless billennia" or "the billennia of evolutionary time." The word billennium was coined for another purpose, however; it is a registered trademark of the Billennium® Organizing Committee and is used, in the words of a committee spokesperson, "to describe the positive spirit of the millennium, which is an ongoing and enduring movement."
この説明で "billennia" は "a new word" とされておりますが、'A Wind in the Door' は1973年に出版されているのでそれ程新しい言葉ではありません。もっとも英語の歴史からすればもちろん新語に入るのでしょう。
It's perfectly possible that it's been going on for billennia, and only now are our instruments capable of recording it."
"billennia" が非常に大きい数字である事は容易に想像がつきます。でもオンライン辞書検索のOneLook
で引っ掛かったのはA Dictionary of Units of Measurementの辞書だけでした。
"billennia": a new word meaning "billions of years," billennia is appearing informally in science writing in phrases such as "countless billennia" or "the billennia of evolutionary time." The word billennium was coined for another purpose, however; it is a registered trademark of the Billennium® Organizing Committee and is used, in the words of a committee spokesperson, "to describe the positive spirit of the millennium, which is an ongoing and enduring movement."
この説明で "billennia" は "a new word" とされておりますが、'A Wind in the Door' は1973年に出版されているのでそれ程新しい言葉ではありません。もっとも英語の歴史からすればもちろん新語に入るのでしょう。