English Collection



2012年05月19日 | 英語学習
熱力学の入門書FOUR LAWS by Peter Atkinsを読んでいます。Conversion of Energyの章に覚えたい単語が出て来ました。
Heat is the transfer of energy by virtue of a temperature difference. Heat is the name of a process, not the name of an entity.
Everyday discourse would be stultified if we were to insist on the precise use of the word heat, for it is enormously convenient to speak of heat flowing from here to there, and to speak of heating an object.
普段使う "heat" も学問では厳密な意味でのみ使用するのですね。 今日取り上げる単語は "stultify" です。
・Collins English Dictionary: 1.to make useless, futile, or ineffectual, esp by routine 2.to cause to appear absurd or inconsistent: One vital difference was enough to stultify the administration of the Irish Poor Law.
When something stultifies you, it drains you of your energy, enthusiasm, or pleasure. A well-acted Shakespeare play can be a thrill. A poorly-acted one can stultify like nothing else.
The verb stultify is sometimes used in place of "bore" or "exhaust," but only if something is so boring or exhausting that it makes you feel as though you might just die. It's a very negative word. If you're in a relationship that's stultifying, you should find a way out. Relationships should make you feel more alive, not less. Constant construction noise can have a stultifying effect, leaving a person almost unable to function.
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