English Collection



2012年05月21日 | 英語学習
ASJ 4月の例会はアイルランド大使館邸で開かれ、講師は Prof. David Burleigh、演題は "James Cousins, an Irish Poet in Japan" でした。次ぎの文はその講義録からの抜粋です。
Prof. Burleigh said he proposed to trace the outline of the poet's remarkable life, with special emphasis on the year he spent in Japan. James Henry Cousins was born in Belfast in 1873, the eldest of four boys in a teetotal Methodist family, who could not afford to give him an education beyond the age of twelve and a half, though he later made up of this by self-education.
"teetotal" は知らない単語です。Methodistを形容しているので、「敬虔な」か何かかなと思いながら辞書を見ます。
・Vocabulary.com: practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages: “I happen to be teetotal
・Etymology Online: "pledged to total abstinence from intoxicating drink," 1834, possibly formed from total with a reduplication of the initial T- for emphasis (T-totally "totally," though not in an abstinence sense, is recorded in Kentucky dialect from 1832 and is possibly older in Irish-English). The use in temperance jargon was first noted September 1833 in a speech advocating total abstinence (from beer as well as wine and liquor) by Richard "Dicky" Turner, a working-man from Preston, England. Also said to have been introduced in 1827 in a New York temperance society which recorded a T after the signature of those who had pledged total abstinence, but contemporary evidence for this is wanting, and Webster (1847) calls teetotaler "a cant word formed in England."
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