English Collection


uncalled for

2012年05月25日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 4月号 Where ARE our manners? の記事にあった表現です。
"I remember watching an episode of Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane," recalls Lee. "My jaw dropped as I watched her diva behaviour. In a culture where humilty is ingrained in us as one of the most important virtues, her brash and loud behaviour was, to me, rude, offensive and totally uncalled for.
"uncalled for" の意味がピンときませんでした。直ぐに辞書を見ます。
・Wiktionary: With "for", not appropriate, not suitable: Calling him a clown was uncalled for.
・Oxford English Dictionary: (uncalled for) (especially of a person’s behaviour) undesirable and unnecessary:: uncalled-for remarks
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: not suitable and therefore unnecessary: uncalled-for rudeness
なるほどと思うと同時に植木等を思い出しました。 「お呼びでない」と似てますね。
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