English Collection


crow's nest

2012年06月20日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 5月号 Laugh:)It's still the best medicineの記事です。
A ship is sailing the seas when the call comes from the crow's nest, "Enemy ship on the horizon!"
The captain hollers to his men, "Prepare for battle!" He says to his deckhand, "Bring me my red shirt!" The deckhand asks why.
"So that if I get injured my men won't see my blood and will keep on fighting," replies the hardy captain.
The men stand their ground and finally win out. They tend the wounded and carry on sailing.
Sometime later, another cry comes from the crow's nest: "TEN enemy ships on the horizon!" "Prepare for battle!" the captain hollers to his men, then says to his deckhand, "Bring me my brown pants!"
余り面白いジョークではありませんが、"crow's nest" の表現が面白いと思ったので取り上げます。
"crow's nest" は文脈からして、船のマストの上にある見張台の事だと思いますが、辞書で確認します。
・Vocabulary.com: platform for a lookout at or near the top of a mast: Nansen was sitting in the crow's nest that evening.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a partly enclosed platform high on a ship's mast for use as a lookout; also : a similar lookout (as for traffic control)
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