English Collection


out for the count

2012年06月22日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 HOME SWEET CAVE、副題がTired of modern life? Nick Weston decided it was time to try a more retro kind of lifestyle - a Stone Age one.の一節です。
Our covers were two goat skins.
"Hey, this is the perfect size! exclaimed a delighted Al. In a moment of goodwill, I had handed over the bigger of the two skins to my taller companion. Mine barely made it up to my chest with my feet poking out the buttom. Disappointing. I was hoping for a bit of banter to end the day, but as I started talking about the blog posts on my wild - food website, a faint snore came from his side of the fire. He was out for the count.
最後の "He was out for the count." は既にすっかり寝てしまった事を意味しているのは文脈から分かりますが、ボクシングでカウントダウンに入っている状態からの表現の様に思えますが、由来も知りたいので辞書を見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to be sleeping, especially heavily: It looks like Ben's out for the count.
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to be sleeping deeply: Usage notes: When boxers (= men who fight as a sport) are still not conscious after ten seconds have been counted they are described as 'out for the count'.: I was out for the count so I didn't hear any of it going on.
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