English Collection



2012年07月10日 | 英語学習

今日の単語もReader's Digest 6月号の特集の中のEngland Prepares to Crown a Queenからです。
Thoroughfares such as Piccadelly and Bond Street will be covered with plaster or plastic arches supporting crowns 30 feet high -- blazing with multicolored lights. One store is spending $20,000 on facade decorations alone. A flagmaker has doubled his staff to bring out 750,000 flags and 500 miles of bunting.
旗屋が旗を作るのは当たり前ですが、"500 miles of bunting" は何でしょう。"bunting" を辞書で見ます。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: rows of brightly coloured little flags that are hung across roads or above a stage as decoration for special occasions
・Macmillan Dictionary: a line of small flags on a string, used for decorating buildings and streets for special occasions
・American Heritage Dictionary:
1. A light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags.
2. Flags considered as a group.
3. Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.

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