English Collection


head over heels

2012年07月02日 | 英語学習
Comedy in a Minor Keyからの引用もこれが最後になります。
On the third day, Marie finally said something. She was losing patience and also beginning to wonder if it had really been necessary to leave their own nice house. Now and then the thought struck her that maybe it might have been possible to find another solution . . .
“Couldn’t they also say -” she began again.
“What?” Wim asked, decisively shutting his book. But he still held the tip of his finger pinched between the pages.
Marie was thinking about the milkman, and the baker. And the neighbor woman telling her husband: “Look - next door it’s been three days that they haven’t been home . . .”
“Oh -” “Everyone comes and they never answer their door.”
“- No, she didn’t leave word behind. They must just be head over heels . . .”
“You mean -?”
“Shh, not so loud, the children!”
Marie couldn’t stand it anymore.
上の引用文の中に出てきた "head over heels" はいかにも慣用句の様です。 文脈から言うと「急いでいた」と解釈できそうですが、辞書で確認します。
・Vocabulary.com: in disorderly haste: “we ran head over heels toward the shelter”
・Wiktionary: At top speed; frantically.: Hearing the noise in the dark, the children ran head over heels back home.
予想は当たっていました。しかし、 "head over heels" には次ぎの様な意味もあることも一緒に覚えておきましょう。
・Collins English Dictionary: a.completely; utterly (esp in the phrase head over heels in love): Oh, there's a lot of nonsense talked about taking one look and falling head over heels in love.
Comedy in a Minor Keyは読み終えました。 Comedy in a Minor KeyはMinor Keyとは言えコメディらしき雰囲気は全くありません。Comedyとしたのは作者の皮肉か風刺の意味を込めたのでしょう。
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