Reader's Digest リーダーズダイジェスト12月号の "Telling Tales" と題されたゴシップについての記事に覚えたい単語が二つありました。一つは記事のキャプションにありました。
Alexander McCall Smith on the two sides of tittle-tattle
最初の単語はこの "tittle-tattle" で、意味を辞書で見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: light informal conversation for social occasions
・ excessive and trifling talk; prattling; gossiping
もう一つの単語は次ぎの "snippet" です。
So gossip, in the sense of exchanging snippets of news about ourselves and others, can be perfectly innocuous.
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
・ a small piece snipped off; a small bit, scrap, or fragment: an anthology of snippets.
"tittle-tattle" には二つの面があると記事のキャプションにありましたが、ゴシップ、人の悪口はなるべく控えた方が良いのは当然です。
Bad gossip reveals itself in its desire to make the objects of the story look foolish. It also intrudes on their privacy.
Alexander McCall Smith on the two sides of tittle-tattle
最初の単語はこの "tittle-tattle" で、意味を辞書で見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: light informal conversation for social occasions
・ excessive and trifling talk; prattling; gossiping
もう一つの単語は次ぎの "snippet" です。
So gossip, in the sense of exchanging snippets of news about ourselves and others, can be perfectly innocuous.
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
・ a small piece snipped off; a small bit, scrap, or fragment: an anthology of snippets.
"tittle-tattle" には二つの面があると記事のキャプションにありましたが、ゴシップ、人の悪口はなるべく控えた方が良いのは当然です。
Bad gossip reveals itself in its desire to make the objects of the story look foolish. It also intrudes on their privacy.