English Collection


camp out

2021年11月15日 | 英単語
Naoki Matayoshiの 'spark' を読んでいます。
My family got its first television when I was about eight, but we never camped out in front of it. We weren't allowd to; my mom would say, "Don't just sit there; go out and play." We ate fish every week, not only because we were Catholic, but also because even back then it was known as "brain food."


・Oxford English Dictionary: Remain persistently in one place.: ‘the press will be camping on your doorstep once they get onto this story’

・Collins Dictionary: If you say that people camp out somewhere in the open air, you are emphasizing that they stay there for a long time, because they are waiting for something to happen.: [emphasis]...reporters who had camped out in anticipation of her arrival.

・Merriam-Webster Dictionary: to take up one's position : settle down —often used with out: camp out in the library for the afternoon

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