English Collection


waiting for a turn at bat

2021年09月01日 | 英単語
John J. Rateyの "SPARK" を読んでいます。

When Lawler and his staff at Madison took a close look at what was happening in gym, they saw a lot of inactivity. It's the nature of team sports: waiting for a turn at bat, waiting for the counter's snap, waiting for the soccer ball to come your way. Most of the time, most of the players just stood around. So Lawler decided to shift the focus to cardiovasclar fitness, and he instituted a radical new feature to the curriculum. Once a week in gym class, the kids would run the mile. Every single week! His decision met with groans from students, complains from parents, and noted from doctors.

野球やサッカーを自分でやるなら別ですが、だらだらと(失礼! これはピッチャーを除きます。)遊んでいるような競技を見るどこが面白いのか、私には世界の7不思議です。

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