English Collection



2013年12月17日 | 英語学習
今日はNov.5のJapan Times Onlineの記事に使われていた単語 "recrudescence" を覚えたいと思います。
New maritime challenges
The recrudescence of territorial and maritime disputes, largely tied to the competition over natural resources, will increasingly have a bearing on maritime peace and security.
"recrudescence" には " "re" がついているので、意味は再発、再燃ではないかと想像がつきますが、辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: (literary) (of a disease, trouble, etc) the act of breaking out or appearing again after a period of dormancy; recurrence: The recrudescence of terrorist violence in the North-East is highly disturbing.
Word Origin: C19: from Latin recr-d-scere to become raw again, from re- + cr-d-scere to grow worse, from cr-dus bloody, raw; see crude
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity: renewal: a recrudescence of the symptoms: a recrudescence of guerrilla warfare: increased severity of a disease after a remission; also: recurrence of a disease after a brief intermission
When something that's bad comes back to haunt you, call is a recrudescence. It's not a word you'll hear often, but it's useful. As a bonus, it lets you say "crud" while sounding really smart.
Don't confuse recrudescence with resurgence, which is neutral and could be used just as easily to describe a new growth of pimples as to describe the return of warm weather in the spring. is bad. Use it to talk about those pimples, the return of the symptoms of a disease, or an underground crime ring.
なるほど、"resurgence" は中性だが、"recrudescence" は良くないことの再発にしか使わないのですね。
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