図書館から洋書を借りて読んでいますが、予約の関係で間が空いた時に読む本として "CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL" を丸善で買ってきました。今日はその中のCarpe Diemと題された逸話に出てきた単語を採り上げます。 Carpe Diemは今日を楽しめ(enjoy the pleasures of the moment, without concern for the future - Collins Dictionary)との意味ですが、ここで採り上げる単語は次ぎのように使われています。
One who stands as a shining example of courageous expression is John Keating, the transformative teacher portrayed by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. "transformative" の "transform" は変形する、変るの意味ですが、teacherの形容詞としての "transformative" はどんな意味になるのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to the process of changing a person or thing into something better or more attractive: Thus death is regarded as a significant transformative event in the life of both family and tribal community.
・GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English: Having power, or a tendency, to transform.
One who stands as a shining example of courageous expression is John Keating, the transformative teacher portrayed by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society. "transformative" の "transform" は変形する、変るの意味ですが、teacherの形容詞としての "transformative" はどんな意味になるのでしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: of or relating to the process of changing a person or thing into something better or more attractive: Thus death is regarded as a significant transformative event in the life of both family and tribal community.
・GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English: Having power, or a tendency, to transform.