English Collection



2019年10月07日 | 英語の原書を読む
松本清張の短編小説 THE VOICE から引用します。
While these were all "facts," they didn't connect with each other. They were like cogs that had gone haywire and were no longer meshing. Each one of them was at cross-purposed with the others.
The handbag had been left after five, when the train had let up.
"For the first time two cogs are meshing. At five o'clock," the chief sad complacently.
日本語でいう歯車が噛み合うとか噛み合わないを英語でなんというのか知りませんでしたが、"mesh" を使うのですね。一応 "mesh" を英英辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of the teeth of a gearwheel) be engaged with another gearwheel.: one gear meshes with the input gear

・Collins Dictionary: If gear teeth mesh with other gear teeth, or are meshed with them, they fit together and start working together.: This gear meshes with another gear, which turns the pinion gear shaft.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of two or more things) to fit together or be suitable for each other: The teeth of the smaller and larger gears mesh with each other.
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