English Collection


sorry two-car local train

2012年11月23日 | 英語学習
"sorry" と言うと、"I'm sorry." や "I'm." を省略した "Sorry" などの様に人が主語の用法しか知らなかったのですが、物を形容する例が村上春樹の "Pinball, 1973" に出て来ました。  
Stepping down from the sorry two-car local train that seemed ready to rust up any minute, the very first thing to hit me was the familiar smell of open grassy spaces.
・Macmillan Dictionary: used for emphasizing how bad, stupid, or embarrassing something is: That's the sorriest excuse I've ever heard.: a sorry business/mess/state (=an unpleasant or difficult situation): If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this sorry mess.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: pitiful, wretched, or deplorable ⇒ a sorry sight
・Vocabulary.com: bad; unfortunate: “a sorry state of affairs”: The word sorry can also be used as an adjective to mean shoddy or crappy, as in "That is one sorry excuse!"
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