

沖縄のアメリカ米軍基地の将来!『101 East - Okinawa: The future of US military bases』

2018-11-17 10:51:24 | 日本の過去・現在・未来



101 East - Okinawa: The future of US military bases




2010/05/31 に公開←8年前です!鳩山首相の頃ですね!鳩山さん酷評されていますね!でも東アジアの友愛を推し進める鳩山さんは韓国や中国でモテモテですね!今は沖縄でも東アジア共同体の推進をして、辺野古の反新基地集会にも参加していますね。好意的に受け止められていますね。
チャンネル登録 268万
Almost 50,000 US military personnel are stationed in Japan, more than half on the island of Okinawa. But their presence has often been controversial. The Okinawa base is vital to the US in protecting its interests in Asia.5000人の米兵が駐留する沖縄、問題がやむ事はない。このアルジャジーラの東アジア特集は鳩山さんが総理大臣の時の辺野古問題を扱っているのですが、前半はひめゆり平和会館の代表者のインタビューがあり、辺野古の取材もしていますが、池宮城弁護士も登場です。でも沖縄の日米の戦略的位置づけ逆に印象付けていますね。地位協定The Status Forces Agreementに縛られている沖縄なんですね。大城立裕作「カクテルパーティー」も強調している条項ですね!日米安保条約に国家としての安全・安寧を托している日本の構図が二部で明らかになりますね。慶応大の谷口さんと東京財団政策研究ディレクター・上席研究員の渡辺さんへのインタビューが明らかですね。共産党国家の中国が実存する限り、東アジアの地域間の安定は厳しいという見方ですね。アメリカ軍と軍事基地の存在が東アジアの平和と安定(安寧)に貢献しているゆえに、140万人の沖縄に住む人々の犠牲はやむえないという視点・姿勢ですね。

あるじゃじーらAl Jazeeraの女性記者はスマートですね!
But it is also important to Yukio Hatoyama, Japan's prime minister, whose popularity is plummeting in the polls and who badly needs to win a majority in the parliament's upper house elections in July. At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels. Social Media links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera Instagram: https://instagram.com/aljazeera/?ref=... Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajenglish Website: http://www.aljazeera.com/ google+: https://plus.google.com/+aljazeera/posts



谷口 智彦

谷口 智彦(たにぐち ともひこ) 教授





  • 米国主導システムの生成と帰趨
  • 戦後日本経済の変遷と国際関係
  • 国際通貨体制の変貌と将来
  • 日本外交の国際政治経済的制約
  • 民主主義国家のパブリック・ディプロマシー




  • マクロレベルの行政サービス改善方法・英国What Works CentreのSE的脱構築
  • Small Open Economyにおける効果的Centre of Governmentの作り方・フィンランド、ペルーの事例を参考に
  • 自治体破産の後、夕張の老人はなぜ健康になったか
  • オーストリアにおける予算編成プロセス改革・SE的再解釈がもたらす教訓





『通貨燃ゆ: 円、元、ドル、ユーロの同時代史』、『金が通貨になる』、『明日を拓く現代史(本研究科講義録)』、『上海新風』ほか



 Tomohiko TANIGUCHI 

Professor, Graduate School of SDM, Keio University


Other positions

Special Advisor to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


Doctorate in national security. 20 years in business journalism. the stint for 3 years in London. One time President at the Foreign Press Association in London. Spent sabbaticals at Princeton University (Fulbright visiting fellow), Shanghai Institute for International Studies, and at the Brookings Institution as a CNAPS Fellow before joining Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Deputy Press Secretary. Since August 2008 held professorships at Keio and Meiji, and taught international political economy and media studies. On 1 February 2013 rejoined the government as Councillor, Cabinet Secretariat. Assumed current positions both at the SDM and at the Prime Minister's Office, effective 1 April 2014.

Educational Policy

Students will be led to equip themselves with a skill-set always to take dual perspectives to see: politics and economy; history and present; Japan and the world.

Research Interests

  • U.S.-led International System: Genesis and Evolution
  • Japan's Post-war Economic Development: International Context
  • International Currency Regime: Transformation and Future
  • Japan's Diplomacy: Politico-Economic Conditions
  • Public Diplomacy for Democratic Nation-States

Areas of expertise

International Political Economy (Currency Regime, International Financial System), Japan's Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy

Books and publications

"Currency Drama: A Contemporary History of the Yen, Yuan, Dollar and Euro" (Nikkei); "The New Shanghai: Economic Growth Viewed from the Back Alleys" (Chuokoron-Shinsha) etc.


 æ¸¡éƒ¨ 恒雄

  • 渡部 恒雄 WATANABE Tsuneo
  • 署名記事数:1 最終更新日:2015.04.02

Foreign and security policy, Japan-US relations, American politics




Became a dentist after graduating from the Tohoku University School of Dentistry. Attended the New School for Social Research, where he received his MA in political science. In 1996, became a visiting research scholar at CSIS, going on to become a research associate, fellow, and, in March 2003, a senior fellow. In 2005, returned to Japan. After serving as a senior fellow at the Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute in Tokyo, assumed his current position. Is concurrently an adjunct fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and senior fellow, Okinawa Peace Assistance Center.


Research Results




†English summary only
*In Japanese only




  • “Japan’s Security Strategy toward the Rise of China: From a Friendship Paradigm to a Mix of Engagement and Hedging,” On China’s Military Rise (Tamkang University Press, 2015)
  • “The Japan-US Security Alliance and HA/DR,” Strengthening the Alliance: HA/DR Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (Peace Winds America,   2013)
  • “The Good and Bad News about the Parallel Rise of China and India,” NIC Global Trends 2030 (June 6, 2012)
  • “Turning Disaster into Opportunity,” Japan Chair Platform (Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 7, 2011)
  • “The US Strategy beyond the Global Posture Review,” Strategic Yet Strained(Stimson Center, 2008)
  • “Sayonara, Koizumi-san: Dynastic Rivals,” Far Eastern Economic Review, June 2006
  • “After the July Election: Where Is Koizumi Heading?” Japan Watch (CSIS Japan Chair Web Publication), August 19, 2004
  • “Changing Japanese Views of China: A New Generation Moves toward Realism and Nationalism,” The Rise of China in Asia: Security Implications(SSI, Army War College, 2002)
  • “Japan’s Internal Development and its Implication for Korean Peninsula,” coauthor, Strengthening U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateral Relations (CSIS, 2002)
  • “The Bankruptcy of Civil-Military Relations in Japan,” NIRA Review, Summer 1996





