

日本の小学校の短編ドキュメントが紹介されています!⇒ 『鼓動の楽器』Instruments of a Beating Heart | An Oscar-Nominated Op-Doc

2025-02-09 23:09:00 | 映画

Instruments of a Beating Heart | An Oscar-Nominated Op-Doc

What makes Japanese people distinctively Japanese? For me, the key lies in what we are taught during our elementary school years.

Children as young as 6 are responsible for cleaning their classrooms and serving one another lunch. Schools are structured like mini societies, where everyone has a role and is expected to contribute to the community. There’s a strong focus on nonacademic education intended to teach teamwork, work ethic, and a sense of accomplishment. 

日本人の母とイギリス人の父を持つ子供として日本で育った私は、自分のアイデンティティについて悩んだ。小学校教育で教え込まれた価値観や労働倫理に感謝するようになったのは、数年後、海外で生活していたときだった。これらの特徴は、日本社会がそのように機能している理由にも貢献している: 電車が時間通りに運行するのは、調和と他者への配慮を優先するよう教えられているからである。一方、私たちは集団的なプレッシャーのもとで、自分たちのコミュニティに恥をかかせないよう適合して生きている。
Growing up in Japan as the child of a Japanese mother and a British father, I struggled with my identity. It was only years later when I was living abroad that I came to appreciate the values and work ethic instilled in me by my elementary school education; they are so normalized in Japan that their worth is underappreciated. These traits also contribute to why Japanese society works the way it does: Our trains run on time because we are taught to prioritize harmony and consideration for others; on the other hand, we live under a collective pressure to conform and not disgrace our community.

In the short documentary above, “Instruments of a Beating Heart,” filmed in 2022, first graders at a Tokyo public school are presented with a challenge for their final semester: to form an orchestra and perform at a school ceremony. As the children are taught to “make your hearts as one” and rigorously rehearse,
we see both the pressures and the wonders of being held responsible for a group.

820,965 回視聴 2024/11/24
Film and text by Ema Ryan Yamazaki (https://www.emaexplorations.com/en/): 

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