

[Don't Rape OKINAWA]のプラカードに目が引きつけられた!

2016-06-28 21:29:50 | 世界の潮流


What Japanese Media Doesn’t Want You to Say!


23423423423423Write that ‘Japan is part of the neo-colonialist clique’, and you will never again be invited to participate in any public debate conducted by Japanese mass media outlets.

And that is exactly what I wrote several months ago, after being approached by an important publication based in Okinawa.

When my documentary film about the US bases on Okinawan territory was broadcasted by the South American television network TeleSUR in both Spanish and English, there seemed to be at least some appetite to bring my opinions on the subject to the Japanese public. At one point I was asked to write a 1,200 words essay, placing Japan in the world context, whilst also addressing the grievances of Okinawa.

I did exactly that. And even as I was writing, I knew that the piece would never get used here, because Japanese publications and television stations (in the past I worked for several major media outlets here) are thoroughly servile to Western interests, they are cowardly and toothless. But I wrote anyway, for Okinawan people and to see exactly how, my essay would be “killed”.沖縄の人々のために書かれたこのエッセイです。

A reply arrived several months later. There were three major ‘issues’ that the editor was concerned about. Firstly, the people of Okinawa would surely not like to be considered “victims, on par with North Koreans”. Second, “was I really sure that the Japanese car manufacturers have been corrupting the Indonesian government, paying it not to build public transportation networks, so that cities could be literally flooded with cars and scooters”. Lastly, my piece was a few words over the acceptable length.

Being well versed in Japanese culture, I knew exactly what I was expected to do.

I did exactly the opposite. I insulted the editor, withdrew the piece, and submitted it to NEO. And here it is, below:


If someone would bother watching the 9-hours long masterpiece of Masaki Kobayashi “The Human Condition”, he or she would have no illusions left about the Japanese position in the world.『人間の条件』映画にもなりました。

China, Korea and other Asian nations were occupied and plundered, people massacred, tortured, experimented on, and raped.日本が犯した残虐さ!

The only thing “in defense” of Japan that could be said is that, unlike its Western allies, it experienced colonialist amok for a relatively short time, compared to the centuries and millennia long barbarism and horror with which Europe has been brutalizing the entire Planet.日本の小さな釈明は期間が短かったこと。西欧を模倣したことかー。

Japan was always impressed by Germany. It was inspired by Western medicine, arts and technology. Japan’s “elites” have also been deeply influenced by German perceptions of superiority and exceptionalism.ドイツに魅了された日本のインテリ層!支配層。

While Germany was committing its first holocausts, those in its colonies of Southwest Africa, Japan was closely watching. In what is now Namibia, the German army exterminated close to 90% percent of the Herero tribes’ people, as well as other minorities. German doctors openly experimented on the local people. Many were decapitated and their heads shipped to the University of Freiburg and to several Berlin hospitals, to prove that African people were inferior. The same doctors later taught Dr. Mengele and other butchers who were conducting experiments on Jews, Roma and other “inferior races” during World War II.ドイツがアフリカで行ったホロコスト!を見ていた日本。実験材料にアフリカ人をユダヤ人をロマを利用した医師達。

Japan, impressed by Germans more and more, was making its own plans for Asia. Some time later it began performing medical experiments on the Chinese people.中国人を実験材料に使った日本人医師たち。

It goes without saying, although it is hardly ever pronounced in the West or in Japan itself, that Japanese imperialist slaughters in Asia were directly influenced and inspired by Western colonialism and racism.あまり言われないけれど、西欧の残酷な仕組み《植民地主義・人種差別主義》をまねた日本帝国軍隊!

Japan is a good student. It loves everything that comes from abroad; or more precisely, from the West. In many ways, it became almost identical to its master. So much so that during the Apartheid era in South Africa and its colonies, the Japanese people were “elevated” to the status of “honorary whites”. They were the only non-white people who were allowed to attend functions exclusively reserved for the white minority. They were welcomed to live in housing reserved for the rulers. They were finally “accepted”.西欧列強に受容された日本!名誉白人。

Japan fought the war, alongside its fascist allies, it committed crimes against humanity and after it lost, it immediately succumbed to the victors who were, like Germans, mainly white and of European descent.

Instead of Germans and Italians, it now looked up to the Brits, French, Australians, but above all North Americans.

Japan’s fascist industrial complex and the governance system were almost fully preserved by the victorious powers. The worst war criminals were allowed to once again manage the system. The Tokyo Trials were just a farce.ここは重要だね。東京裁判はファースだった!笑劇、つまり表象の演技です。独占企業も政府実態も残された。

Whatever Japan does, it does well and with legendary precision. Its collaboration with the West during the Korean War was complete, and the grateful colonizers rewarded it. Unlike most of the other colonies, plundered and humiliated, Japan was elevated, allowed to become rich.

Ecstatic, the country began building its capitalist industrial might. There was absolutely no doubt where it had been standing. It joined Western imperialism, first as a junior partner, and later as an equal member of the club; it has been doing all it can to be more Western and more capitalist than its handlers, and ideologically, more dogmatic and fundamentalist.戦後日本の姿です。

Japan used to frustrate the progressive Indonesian, President Ahmed Sukarno, and the most influential Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir bin Mohamad (who held the post between 1981 and 2003) who often begged Japan to “return to Asia”.Return to Asia(アジアに戻らなかった日本!)

Japan did not want to return anywhere. It has been cozy with what it perceived as its membership of the “elite club”. Just as it learned from the Europeans, it put its self-interests well above morality, solidarity and humanism.これらが日本への倫理的な眼差しなんですね。道徳や連帯やヒューマニズムの前に利潤追求のネオリベラリズムなんだー。エリートクラブのメンバー、なるほどです。

Political pirouettes, Machiavellian manipulation of information related to its past and present, became almost identical to the information control and propaganda practiced in the West.

Economic terrorism suddenly had no boundaries. Just to illustrate, the Japanese car industry is directly corrupting the governments of Indonesia, demanding that no public transportation is built in the fourth most populous nation on Earth. As a result, hundreds of millions of people are being paralyzed by traffic jams, and dying from pollution-related illnesses. The infrastructure on Java Island has almost totally collapsed. But as long as people there are forced to buy Japanese cars and scooters, Japan does not even blink.トヨタなど巨大グローバル企業がインドネシアの交通機関の鉄道整備などを抑制しているという意見、なるほどです。車を売るために鉄軌道導入をやめさせているという指摘!


Japan has also turned itself into an “indoctrination post” for the young and ambitious students from all corners of Asia. Countless Japanese universities have been offering “scholarships”, effectively brainwashing and “neutralizing” talented men and women from poor and potentially rebellious nations. Most of them are taught “communications”, “education” and “development”; or basically, how to say nothing and how not to rebel about anything. They are being patiently instructed on how not to stand up against the Empire and savage capitalism, or more precisely, how to behave exactly how Japan does. “Join the elites, enjoy a good life and keep philosophy and morals out of this!”多くの貧しいアジアの留学生を受け入れている。これも洗脳的な働きだと書いていますね。

Japan is hosting some of the deadliest military bases on earth – those on Okinawa Island.沖縄の登場です!the deadliest military bases on earthを受け入れている日本!

During my filming there, for the South American television network TeleSUR, I saw, first hand, Japanese imperialism at work: the great Okinawan culture had been restrained, social benefits provided in exchange for obedience, and all ethical and internationalist messages related to the bases were muted.

But Okinawans know, and many are horrified by what is going on, but unable to change anything.

This is where World War III may start! This is where the West is provoking both China (actually an old historical ally of Okinawa) and North Korea (now Okinawa’s fellow victim) from.

Years ago, I was told by a Chinese diplomat: “If the West attacks us, we will not, most likely, retaliate against Washington or London. We will retaliate against Japan, because its territory is where the attack would come from”. Most likely but paradoxically, the retaliation would be against the islands of Okinawa that is actually “hosting” the bases.西洋が我々を攻撃したら、中国は沖縄を攻撃すると話しています。

Many Okinawans understand the danger and of course they are totally against the war. But Tokyo ignores their demands to close down the bases. The current administration is becoming increasingly bellicose, anti-Chinese, anti-DPRK and embarrassingly pro-Western.多くの沖縄人はその危険を察知し、戦争に反対している。しかし東京は基地閉鎖を無視し続けている現在です。

The Prime Minister likes to pose as a Japanese patriot. But Shinzō Abe is actually a collaborator, not a patriot. And it is not because he is a “right-winger” (Mishima, no matter how controversial his legacy is, was also a right-winger, but without any doubt a true Japanese patriot). He does not serve the interests of Japan, but those of the West, of the Empire that defeated, bombed to the ground, and occupied Japan some 70 years ago; the Empire responsible for tens of millions of lost lives, all over Asia.


The recent changes in the law allowing the deployment of Japanese troops from the “Self Defense Force” abroad, is nothing new. Japan has already been paying for several wars, producing military technology for the Empire, provoking its neighbors; it has been doing it for many years and decades.最近の安保法案の遂行は新しくない。何年も何十年もすでに帝国に近隣諸国を刺激しながら奉仕してきたのです。その軍需技術や自衛隊を世界に派遣してー。

Just as during WWII, Japan is now, once again a greatly trusted and respected member of the Fascist alliance. It is arming itself to the teeth, and it is even considering changing its peaceful constitution. The players have changed, but the essence remains the same. It just feels like Japan is harboring strong and spontaneous dispositions to always be part of Western imperialist pacts.西欧列強のメンバーとして振舞っている日本。平和憲法ですら改正する勢いです。

Of course all is done in the name of self-defense, and with some lofty slogans like “freedom”, “democracy” and “peace” being tossed around. Impulses behind the deeds are much more sinister: racism towards all fellow Asian nations, aggressive ‘exceptionalism’ (learned and adopted from Europe and North America), as well as submissive servitude towards the West. That is the world in which we are living. To Paraphrase the great Indian thinker Arundhati Roy – “now black is called white and war is called peace”. Or at least in the West and in Japan they are!この結論凄いですね。自己防衛の名目で、自由、民主主義、平和が論じられている。アジア人への差別、強烈な例外論、西欧(US)への隷属、偉大なインド人の思想家 Arundhati Roy が言った。「今や黒は白で戦争は平和と呼ばれる」少なくとも西欧や日本ではその通りだ。

Andre Vltchek is philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist, he’s a creator of Vltchek’s World an a dedicated Twitter user, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
アルンダティ・ロイ(Arundhati Roy、1961年11月24日 -)は、インドの作家批評家活動家。処女作『小さきものたちの神』でブッカー賞(1997年)を受賞し、一躍世界からの注目を集めた。2002年にはラナン文化自由賞を受賞。




2006年には、評論集『無限の正義の代数』(The Algebra of Infinite Justice)がインド最高の文学賞であるサヒチャ賞に選ばれたが、この受賞を拒否した。



たとえば、反グローバル主義者の立場からロイは「帝国」について次のように述べている。「たしかにまだわたしたちは、帝国の歩みを阻止できていないかもしれない。でも、それを裸にすることはできたでしょう? 帝国の仮面を剥がすことはできた。その素顔を晒させたのは、わたしたち。帝国は、いま、私たちの目の前、世界という舞台の上で、その残忍で醜い裸の姿のまま、立っている」[1]。ロイにとって、「帝国」とは、アメリカ一国のことではなく、「21世紀対応型新民主主義システム」を指すものである。すなわち、「自由」という「錦の御旗」の名の下にグローバル企業の支配者たちが弱者を「自由に」操ることのできる新システムである。


工藤惺文訳『小さきものたちの神』(DHC, 1998年)
片岡夏実訳『わたしの愛したインド』(築地書館, 2000年)


  • 本橋哲也訳『帝国を壊すために』(岩波書店, 2003年)
  • 加藤洋子訳『誇りと抵抗―権力政治(パワー・ポリティクス)を葬る道のり』(集英社, 2004年)


  1. ^ アルンダティ・ロイ「〈帝国〉に抗して」『帝国を壊すために』(岩波書店, 2003年)。




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