Nuns Sexually Abused These Women For Years. Now Survivors Speak Out.
2019/04/11 に公開
The Catholic Church has been rocked with allegations of sexual abuse carried out by priests for decades. Now survivors of abusive nuns are speaking out. Patricia “Trish” Cahill and Anne Gleeson were teenagers when the abuse began. Even though these two survivors grew up in different cities, the grooming and manipulation conducted by the nuns they say abused them sound eerily and tragically similar.
何十年もそうした性的虐待を秘匿してきたカソリック協会。サバイバー(虐待を生き残ったもの達)が告発し始めたのは時代の流れだろうか。性的虐待がシステムの装置のように日常化してきた歴史が瓦解はじめているのはいい事に違いない。少女たちの身体と精神(魂)を襲った者たち、尊敬すべき人々!She owned me.
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