サンザシ(山査子、山樝子、学名: Crataegus cuneata)は、バラ科サンザシ属の落葉低木。中国中南部の原産。日本には江戸時代(1734年)に中国から薬用の樹木とし小石川御薬園に持ち込まれて、その後は庭木や盆栽として栽培されている
Yamasako 's jam.
I got a lot of sanzashi fruits from my friends, and the raw was sour and I couldn't eat them. Jam is a great success. It seems to be usable for various other dishes.
Hawthorn (Yamaniko, Yamayoko, academic name: Crataegus cuneata)is a deciduous shrub of the genus Hawthorn. Native to the south of China. In Japan, it was brought to Koishikawa Imperial Garden as a medicinal tree from China in the Edo period (1734), and has since been cultivated as a garden tree and bonsai.
①Wash yamako with water.
②Cut in half with a kitchen knife.
③After separating the seeds and fruits, chop them, put a little water in a saucepan, and boil them After that, add the desired amount of sugar and boil it down for a while and you're done.