生のトマトを使っていることで、果肉感が残り、辛さの中にもさっぱりとした味わいです。 お好みでパセリを散らしてお召し上がり下さい。
Shrimp Arabica with Tomato
Arabica is a type of pasta sauce in Italian cuisine. It is a spicy sauce with chili pepper and garlic in a tomato-based sauce.
By using raw tomatoes, the fleshy feeling remains, and it has a refreshing taste even in the spiciness. Please scatter the parsley as you like.
①Remove the tomatoes and cut them into 1cm squares, cut the okra into slices.
②The shrimp is peeled off, rubbed with salt after removing the back wasta, washed with water and wiped off the moisture . (Commercial frozen food may also be used)
③Boil the water in a saucepan, add salt, boil the spaghetti as displayed on the package, and
④Put 1.5 tablespoons ofsalad oil, 1 teaspoon grated garlic, 1teaspoon hawk nail slices in a frying pan , turn it to low heat and fry slowly until fragrant .
⑤④ Add white wine,① and ②(ketchup may beadded) to medium heat and fry until the shrimp is cooked.
⑥⑤ Season with salt and pepper ③ and put it on a plate, and serve with chopped blue shiso or boiled