


2019-02-01 22:41:04 | Newsメモ
BBC US envoy Stephen Biegun reveals North Korea nuclear pledge 1 Feb 2019

North Korea has pledged to destroy all its nuclear material enrichment facilities, the US special envoy says」しかし相互に状況を確認しあえるようでないとマズイのであり「But the US needed to agree on "expert access and monitoring mechanisms" of North Korea's nuclear programme first, he said.

 米国側も「"We're not going to invade North Korea. We are not seeking to topple the regime."」とは口約束をするものの、これを北朝鮮が信じるかどうか。まあ、朝鮮戦争以来の国是状態だろうし、なんともなりそうにない気が。

However, he reiterated the US would not lift sanctions until denuclearisation was complete, and said Washington had "contingencies" in case diplomatic efforts failed again.


BBC Trump tells US spy chiefs: 'Go back to school' 30 Jan 2019

"Be careful of Iran. Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!" Mr Trump tweeted.


The testy response came after a US intelligence report said Iran was not making nuclear weapons.」少なくとも今現在は控えているとしてもまったく不思議ではないとおもうが。いやいつでも再開できるようには、できるだけするのは当然としても。

At the time, Mr Trump said this meeting had ended the North Korean nuclear threat - a claim questioned by a number of US politicians and experts.


"Now a whole different story. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un shortly. Progress being made - big difference!"


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