


2024-07-30 20:59:07 | Newsメモ

BBC Russian commander killed in sandstorm ambush in Mali 19 hours ago

Wedaeli Chibelushi


A commander in a Russian mercenary group has been killed in Mali following an attack by rebel fighters during a sandstorm, the group said.

The military regime in the West African state had turned to the notorious Wagner group in 2021, seeking support in fighting jihadist and separatist forces.

On Monday the Russian outfit - which has now morphed into a group named Africa Corps - said it had joined Mali's military in "fierce battles" against separatist rebels and jihadist militants last week.

However, the separatists launched a major attack, killing an estimated 20 to 50 mercenaries, sources close to Africa Corps told the BBC.

In an official statement posted to Telegram, the Russian mercenary group did not specify how many of their troops had died, but they confirmed suffering "losses". This included a commander, Sergei Shevchenko, who was killed in action.


The Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP-PSD), a separatist group dominated by the Tuareg ethnic group, claimed responsibility for the attack.


The rebel group has shared video footage which shows numerous white men in military fatigues lying motionless on a sandy plain.

Another shows a group of mostly black men wearing blindfolds with their hands tied behind their backs.

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