ここ最近、Islamic State集団が北部から南部に浸透しつつあるのだそうで(「IS militants have gradually moved from northern to southern Somalia in recent months」)、これに対してal Shababが対抗宣言:
BBC Al-Shabab declares war on IS in Somalia 18:27 21 Dec 2018
「IS has been mounting noticeably more attacks in Somalia in recent months, following the group's loss of its "caliphate" heartlands in Syria and Iraq late last year.」
ISとしても、主たる縄張りを失っているわけで、生き残りをかけているわけだろう。しかしソマリアだってそんなにたくさんの資源があるわけでもない。そこでal Shababは声明を発した:
「The al-Shabab leadership has broadcast a 42-minute statement accusing Islamic State (IS) group fighters of "spoiling the ongoing jihad in Somalia".
Through their spokesperson, Ali Mohamud - alias Ali Rage, the group called on its fighters to carry out attacks to wipe out IS fighters.」
「Mohamud said the IS fighters were "a deadly disease" and "a cancer".」
BBC Al-Shabab declares war on IS in Somalia 18:27 21 Dec 2018
「IS has been mounting noticeably more attacks in Somalia in recent months, following the group's loss of its "caliphate" heartlands in Syria and Iraq late last year.」
ISとしても、主たる縄張りを失っているわけで、生き残りをかけているわけだろう。しかしソマリアだってそんなにたくさんの資源があるわけでもない。そこでal Shababは声明を発した:
「The al-Shabab leadership has broadcast a 42-minute statement accusing Islamic State (IS) group fighters of "spoiling the ongoing jihad in Somalia".
Through their spokesperson, Ali Mohamud - alias Ali Rage, the group called on its fighters to carry out attacks to wipe out IS fighters.」
「Mohamud said the IS fighters were "a deadly disease" and "a cancer".」