


2024-12-30 19:01:59 | Newsメモ

The coffee industry in Kenya is a key source of employment, providing jobs for an estimated 150,000 people.

BBC Kenya's celebrated coffee under threat as farmers hit by climate change Kenya's celebrated coffee under threat as farmers hit by climate change


Kenya's celebrated coffee under threat as farmers hit by climate change


A coffee tree is a huge investment for cash-strapped farmers, as it can take four years for the fruits to mature.

The price of a single cup of coffee in a chic European café, typically $4 (£3.20), highlights a stark disparity when compared to the earnings of many Kenyan coffee labourers, who make at most $2.30 a day.



Coffee trees are extremely sensitive to small differences in temperature and weather conditions.

"Climate change is a major challenge for our coffee farmers," says John Murigi, the chairman of the Komothai Coffee Society, which represents 8,000 coffee farmers like Mr Macharia.


To produce a single cup of coffee can require up to 140 litres of water - including the water to grow the plants.


Mr Murigi said there had been a significant increase in coffee leaf miners, bugs that feed on coffee leaves, and coffee berry disease, a destructive fungal infection that can wipe out more than 80% of crops.

To deal with the increasing outbreaks, farmers are resorting to using herbicides and insecticides that can damage soil quality in the long term and also pose health risks.


In recent years, climate change has led to a shortage of global coffee supplies and an increase in the price of coffee due to drought and crop failures in several key coffee-producing nations such as Brazil and Vietnam.

"Right now, as things stand, I don't think any parent wants their child here farming coffee," he said.

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