


2024-12-30 19:16:13 | Newsメモ

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev has called on Russia to accept blame for a plane crash on Christmas Day that killed 38 people.

He also said that some in Russia had latched on to a theory that the plane had been hit by birds. Aliyev described both theories as "foolish and dishonest".

 foolish and dishonestとはまた、ふつう一国の指導者がよそさんの行動に対する評価として軽々に出す単語ではない。

BBC Azerbaijan urges Russia to accept blame for plane crash 18 hours ago

Malu Cursino


On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin apologised to the Azerbaijani president over the downing of the plane in Russian airspace - but stopped short of taking responsibility.


Aliyev accused Moscow of an initial "cover up" over its involvement in the crash. While accepting Putin's apology, he said Russia "must admit its guilt" and pay compensation.


Aviation experts and others believe the plane's GPS was affected by electronic jamming and it was then damaged by shrapnel from Russian air-defence missile blasts.

The Azerbaijani president accepted that the plane had been shot down accidentally, but said that in the first three days following the crash, "we heard only absurd versions from Russia".

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