


2020-09-13 11:43:18 | Newsメモ
神戸新聞NEXT 電車内で女子高生に「足閉じろ」 両手で膝押す? 2020/8/27 08:42





BBC Climate change: Summers could become 'too hot for humans' 16 July 2020 By David Shukman

Millions of people around the world could be exposed to dangerous levels of heat stress - a dangerous condition which can cause organs to shut down.

Many live in developing countries, and do jobs that expose them to potentially life threatening conditions.

These include being out in the open on farms and building sites or indoors in factories and hospitals.



BBC 'Highest temperature on Earth' as Death Valley, US hits 54.4C 17 Aug 2020


What could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on Earth - 130F (54.4C) - may have been reached in Death Valley National Park, California.

The recording is being verified by the US National Weather Service.

It comes amid a heatwave on the US's west coast, where temperatures are forecast to rise further this week.

The scorching conditions have led to two days of blackouts in California, after a power plant malfunctioned on Saturday.

"When you walk outside it's like being hit in the face with a bunch of hairdryers," she said. "You feel the heat and it's like walking into an oven and the heat is just all around you."

Before this, the highest temperature reliably recorded on Earth was 129.2F (54C) - also in Death Valley in 2013.

A higher reading of 134F, or 56.6C a century earlier, also in Death Valley, is disputed. It is believed by some modern weather experts to have been erroneous, along with several other searing temperatures recorded that summer.


BBC Dangerous heat wave forecast for south-western areas of US 1 Aug 2020

US weather forecasters have issued warnings of a potentially life-threatening heat wave over the weekend in south-western areas of the country.

The National Weather Service (NWS) said temperatures could reach 50C (122F) in southern California on Saturday.
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