


2020-02-06 22:22:10 | Newsメモ
 それを量るにはまだ時期尚早だとはいうものの「It is early days to attempt to quantify the likely economic effects.

Crude oil hit its lowest level in more than a year.

It has dropped by about 15% in the past two weeks, reflecting declining demand from China - underlined by reports the country's leading refiner, Sinopec, is cutting back.

Copper is also cheaper - by about 13% over the past two weeks.


BBC Coronavirus: The economic cost is rising in China and beyond 6 Feb 2020 By Andrew Walker


The furniture store Ikea closed all its 33 shops in China in response to the outbreak

The human cost of the coronavirus outbreak is climbing across China and beyond. The economic cost is also mounting, mainly, but not only, in China.

There are strict restrictions on moving out of Wuhan, where the outbreak began, a city with a population of 11 million.

The lockdown, also now extended to other parts of Hubei province, prevents business-related travel as well as the movement of goods and workers.

The New Year holiday was extended for a few days by the national Chinese authorities and there have been longer extensions imposed by some provincial authorities, delaying the return to work for some businesses even longer.

Any delay resuming production and selling goods is likely to lead to cash-flow problems, especially for smaller operations.


And the epidemic "will add to the pressure on customers trying to shift their supply chain away from China".

Hyundai, of South Korea, has suspended its car production because of problems with the supply of parts from its operation in China - an early warning sign of possible extensive disruption ahead.


BBC China halves tariffs on more than 1,700 US goods 6 Feb 2020

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