


2024-12-17 22:45:12 | Newsメモ

Over the last three decades, at least 565 children in the Indian state of West Bengal have been injured or killed by home-made bombs, a BBC Eye investigation has found.

So what are these deadly devices and how are they linked to political violence in West Bengal? And why are so many Bengali children paying the price?


BBC 'We thought it was a ball' - the bombs killing and maiming Indian children13 hours ago

Soutik Biswas, Nupur Sonar & Tanushree Pandey


Nine-year-old Puchu Sardar, one of the boys, grabbed a cricket bat and quietly slipped past his sleeping father. Soon, the cracking noise of bat meeting ball echoed through the alley.

A ball batted out of the boundaries of their makeshift pitch sent the boys searching for it in a small garden nearby. There, in a black plastic bag, they found six round objects.

They looked like cricket balls someone had left behind, and the boys returned to the game with their spoils.

One of the "balls" from the bag was bowled at Puchu who struck it with his bat.


We found at least 565 child casualties - 94 deaths and 471 injuries - as of 10 November. This means a child has fallen victim to bomb violence, on average, every 18 days.

 女の子が、わーボール! ちょっと家にもって帰ろっかな! ともって帰ったら「それ爆弾!」と親が叫ぶ。なんでそんなに爆弾が転がってるんだそれは。



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