


2019-11-10 21:11:55 | Newsメモ
 アヨードヤーAyodhyaのBabri Masjid跡地はヒンドゥーのものとし、ラーマ神殿を建てることができる―そう最高裁が決定した、と。

BBC Ayodhya verdict: Indian top court gives holy site to Hindus 9 Nov 2019

The disputed holy site of Ayodhya in northern India should be given to Hindus who want a temple built there, the country's Supreme Court has ruled.


Many Hindus believe the site is the birthplace of one of their most revered deities, Lord Ram.

Muslims say they have worshipped there for generations.」しかし「Muslims would get another plot of land to construct a mosque, the court said.

At the centre of the row is the 16th Century Babri mosque which was demolished by Hindu mobs in 1992, sparking riots that killed nearly 2,000 people.

 考古学的調査によれば、前身はモスクじゃなくHindu templeだったからねえ、というのだが、そりゃそうだろそれ以前はそうだっただろうよ。

In the unanimous verdict, the court said that a report by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) provided evidence that the remains of a building "that was not Islamic" was beneath the structure of the demolished Babri mosque.

However, the court added that the demolition of the Babri mosque was against the rule of law.


However, the main group of litigants has now said that it will not appeal against the verdict.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacted to the verdict on Twitter and said that it should not be seen as a "win or loss for anybody".


Hinduism is India's majority religion and is thought to be more than 4,000 years old. India's first Islamic dynasty was established in the early 13th Century.

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