


2019-11-10 20:41:42 | Newsメモ
BBC North Korea 'facing poor harvest' amid food shortages 9 Nov 2019


North Korea's harvest is predicted to be worse than usual, exacerbating already severe food shortages in the country, a monitoring group says.

Using satellite images, Swiss-based Geoglam said drought had affected crops in an area known as the "cereal bowl".


In May food rations - which feed about 70% of the North Korean population - were cut from 550g (19.5 oz) to just 300g per person following poor results in this year's early harvest.


The country has also had to cope with a regional outbreak of swine fever in its pig herd, leading to reduced pork production.

Earlier this year a UN team found families surviving "on a monotonous diet of rice and kimchi most of the year, eating very little protein", according to a report by the World Food Programme. The report said some families were eating protein only a few times a year.


However, North Korea has refused to accept 50,000 tonnes of rice from South Korea.


関連 北朝鮮は台風に打撃される―そのまえには飢饉に 2019-09-08

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