


2023-09-16 22:55:17 | Newsメモ
 47 minutes agoで読みますが、救助された移民船にnewborn babyが死んでるのが見つかったという。死因は現状、不明。船上で出産したものと思われ、そりゃまあ死ぬでしょうね…。

BBC Lampedusa: Italy recovers body of newborn baby from migrant boat 16 Sep 2023 By Rob Corp

 …いつぞやの三歳児の死体映像と違って、newborn babyといえど同情の大波が来るわけではなく。EU特使が派遣されてイタリアの首相は、とにかく現状を認識してくれ!という訴えをしている模様。

The body of a newborn baby has been recovered from a boat carrying migrants during a rescue operation off the Italian island of Lampedusa.

The mother is thought to have given birth during the journey from North Africa, the Ansa news agency says, and the death is being investigated.

More than 8,000 migrants have arrived in Lampedusa over the past three days.


European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen is due to visit the island on Sunday after Italy asked for EU help.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said the country was being placed under "unsustainable pressure" as a result of the migrant influx.

 ―じゃないよ! もう無理! unsustaibable pressureだよこれ、もう! とEUヘルプ! の叫び。そりゃ本気で無理だこれ。

The Italian Red Cross has said it is currently dealing with about 2,500 people at a reception centre designed for 400 arrivals.

 難民収容キャンプは2500人に対応できるようにはできてない。400人だよ! 400arrivals用なのに、三日で8000人、一日当たり2000人以上。一時収容さえできないよ!

 そもそも今年始まって以来、イタリアは12万6000人の渡航者を出迎えるはめに。ランペドゥーサの人口の20倍かな? 無理無理。流石に無理。持続できない。

Nearly 126,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far this year, which is about double the number for the same period in 2022.


"Lampedusa says stop! We don't want tent camps. This message is for Europe and for the Italian government. Lampedusa residents are tired," another protester said.


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