


2024-02-08 20:14:13 | Newsメモ
 無理だろうそんなこと、ということで農民側がえらいことでも。EU CommissionのUrsula von der Leyenが、その案は廃そうと声明。

BBC Europe farmers protests: EU scraps plans to halve pesticide use 6 Feb 2024 By Kathryn Armstrong


The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced plans to scrap a proposal halving pesticide use across the EU.

The move is an apparent concession to farmers who have been protesting in many EU countries against regulations including the planned reduction in pesticide use.


Ms von der Leyen said the proposal had become a "symbol of polarisation".

The reversal still needs to be formally approved.



They argue that reducing the amount of pesticide they are allowed to use will negatively impact their crops and therefore put food production in the EU at risk.

"Our farmers deserve to be listened to," Ms Von der Leyen told the European Parliament on Tuesday.

 気候変動対策というのも、大枠としては理解するんですが。大丈夫です?大量生産品で生き延びてる下々どものこと、考えてます?ロハスでハイクオリティなグリーンディール準拠な農家だけ優遇するんです? …そういうことを問われているものかと思うが、どうだろうねー…。

The EU had aimed to halve the use of the chemicals by 2030 as part of its Green Deal, which is aimed at tackling climate change.

Its proposal also included a ban on the use of pesticides in areas including public parks and gardens, schools and sports fields.

"This top-down proposal...was poorly designed, poorly evaluated, poorly financed, and offered little alternatives to farmers," she wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

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