


2020-02-17 16:52:56 | Newsメモ

BBC German far-right group 'planned attacks on mosques' 17 Feb 2020

Members of a far-right group arrested in Germany were planning attacks on mosques, politicians and asylums seekers, local media report.

The 12, allegedly belonging to Der harte Kern (The Hard Core), were detained on Friday.


Germany has seen a rise in support for the far right, especially in the country's formerly-communist east.

The men reportedly met through messaging service WhatsApp, and formed the organisation last September.


The alleged leader of the German group, a 53-year old known as Werner S, was known to authorities and resides in the southern city of Ausburg.

Last week he allegedly met with other members and discussed plans for ten separate attacks in the country, including massacres at mosques similar to those carried out in New Zealand last year. They reportedly hoped their actions would provoke counter-attacks and lead to a civil war.


According to the press reports, investigators were tipped off by someone who had infiltrated the group.

In subsequent raids, authorities found guns and materials that can be used to produce home-made bombs, Welt am Sonntag said.

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