BBC North Korea 'preparing rocket launch', images suggest 9 March 2019
「Satellite images of a facility near Pyongyang suggest that North Korea may be preparing to launch a missile or a satellite.
The increase in activity is around a site known as Sanumdong, where North Korea assembled most of its ballistic missiles and rockets.」
「US National Security Adviser John Bolton has said North Korea could yet face more sanctions if there is no progress on denuclearisation.」
「Satellite images of a facility near Pyongyang suggest that North Korea may be preparing to launch a missile or a satellite.
The increase in activity is around a site known as Sanumdong, where North Korea assembled most of its ballistic missiles and rockets.」
WHAT’S UP AT SANUM-DONG? by Jeffrey Lewis ジェフリー・ルイスの見立てでは東倉里と山陰洞の動きは連動していて、山陰洞の工場で用意しているのは衛星打ち上げロケット関連のものではないか、という指摘。銀河とは別系統の火星15号の技術を含んだ物が登場する可能性がある。
— JSF (@rockfish31) 2019年3月9日
Activity At 2nd North Korean Missile Site Indicates Possible Launch Preparations 山陰洞の兆候は2月22日の時点。つまりハノイ会談の前。
— JSF (@rockfish31) 2019年3月9日
「US National Security Adviser John Bolton has said North Korea could yet face more sanctions if there is no progress on denuclearisation.」