


2020-05-01 15:44:01 | Newsメモ

BBC Hezbollah: Germany bans and raids Islamist group 30 Apr 2020

Germany has banned all activity by the Islamist Hezbollah movement and police have carried out raids on mosques and centres linked to the group.

Until now the political wing of the Shia Lebanese group, backed by Iran, was able to operate on German soil while its military arm was banned.


Several European countries have already banned Hezbollah, which has some 1,000 activists in Germany.

The UK dropped the distinction in 2019, saying it could no longer distinguish between the two. The Netherlands, Japan, the US and Canada are among other countries that ban both wings.


The group is thought to have 1,050 supporters in Germany, and four associations are seen by the interior ministry as sub-groups of Hezbollah itself.

Police searched four mosques and associations seen as part of the organisation early on Thursday: Berlin's al-Irschad mosque, two centres in Bremen and Münster, and a Lebanese community group in Dortmund.


The group is thought to have 1,050 supporters in Germany, and four associations are seen by the interior ministry as sub-groups of Hezbollah itself.

Police searched four mosques and associations seen as part of the organisation early on Thursday: Berlin's al-Irschad mosque, two centres in Bremen and Münster, and a Lebanese community group in Dortmund.


The ban will enable authorities to put a stop to anti-Israel marches and the use of anti-Semitic slogans, observers say. Hezbollah flags and anti-Israel banners often appear at the annual al-Quds march in Berlin.


"Even in times of crisis the rule of law is upheld," said Mr Seehofer.

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