

His last words were "Batik 6321 clear for take off"

2018-10-02 21:57:34 | Newsメモ
BBC Indonesia tsunami: Death toll rises to nearly 1,350 2 Oct 2018

 最初に見たのはIndonesia tsunami: Death toll rises to over 1,200というタイトルの時点だったのだが。

BBC Indonesia tsunami: Pilot hails 'hero' air traffic controller 2 Oct 2018 By Yvette Tan

As the control tower started to shake, people around Mr Agung fled, but he watched to make sure the plane was airborne.

His last words were "Batik 6321 clear for take off".

Then, apparently finding his way out blocked, he jumped from the crumbling tower. He died while awaiting treatment.

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