


2017-11-15 21:55:52 | Newsメモ
BBC EU migrant deal with Libya is 'inhuman' - UN 14 Nov 2017

The UN monitors who visited Tripoli detention centres said detainees reported beatings, torture and sexual violence both in transit and in the detention facilities themselves

 出かけるときにはillegal traffickersへのお金を用意し、港までの途中で収奪をうけ、いざ出国しようと思ったら違法出国でとっつかまってdetension centreでさらに収奪を受ける。

BBC Nigerian girl 'killed for witchcraft rituals' 14 Nov 2017


BBC Secret convoy let hundreds of IS fighters escape 13 Nov 2017

BBC Raqqa’s dirty secret 13 Nov 2017

IS may have been homicidal psychopaths, but they're always correct with the money.」、まあその、分かり合える点かな、とか。

BBC Trump-Duterte: US president hails 'great relationship' 13 Nov 2017

During the evening, Mr Duterte took to the stage to sing a Filipino hit love song, afterwards saying it had been "on the orders of the commander-in-chief of the United States".

BBC North Korea soldier shot while defecting at DMZ to South 13 Nov 2017

BBC Syria war: Air strikes on Atareb market 'kill more than 50' 13 Nov 2017




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