


2022-09-02 21:33:17 | Newsメモ

BBC Ethiopia civil war: Why fighting has resumed in Tigray and Amhara 2 Sep 2022 By Alex de Waal

The war in Ethiopia, between the federal government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), has resumed at full scale. The route back to negotiations is uncertain at best.


The two sides agree that the first shots were fired in the early morning of 24 August on the southern borders of Tigray, where it adjoins the neighbouring Amhara state at the town of Kobo. Each side blames the other for firing those shots.

 7月には高位高官が和平交渉代表団に設定され、Abiy Ahmedの特使がTPLFとの会談のため送り出されたとされるほど。なおンな事実はない、ということになった模様。

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had authorized his deputy, Demeke Mekonnen, to head a peace committee, which began work in July.

Even before that, Mr Abiy had reportedly sent senior officials to secretly meet the TPLF.

The TPLF accuses the government of reneging on its commitments. The government doesn't admit that any meetings took place. International envoys are also staying silent on exactly why the talks broke down.




BBC Fresh Ethiopia fighting is catastrophic for the people - UK 1 Sep 2022

The return of fighting in Ethiopia's civil war is "catastrophic for the people of Ethiopia", the UK's Africa Minister Vicky Ford has said.

The renewed conflict risks "deepening of the already dire humanitarian situation. Twenty-two months since fighting first began, it is clear that there is no military solution," Ms Ford added.

There had been some hope that a five-month truce would have opened the way for peace negotiations.

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