


2020-08-18 11:40:29 | ソマリア関連
 某議員所有の、政府筋に人気のホテルが襲撃されて籠城戦。数時間ほどで解決したそう。ビーチサイドにあるElite Hotelというのだそうで、いやあの、なんでまたそんな、名前だけで反感かうようなネーミングセンスを発揮するんだ…。

BBC Mogadishu attack: Somali troops end deadly siege at Elite Hotel 17 Aug 2020

The privately-owned Somali news website Dhacdoone described the hotel as one of the most heavily guarded facilities in Mogadishu.


Somali special forces say they have ended a siege at a hotel in the capital Mogadishu that was stormed by armed al-Shabab militants.

At least 12 people were killed at the beachside Elite Hotel, in addition to five militants, according to the police.

The attackers detonated a car bomb outside the hotel on Sunday before storming it and seizing hostages.

A senior official from the information ministry and another official from the defence ministry are reported to be among the dead, along with three hotel guards. Dozens more people were reported to be wounded.

 ここ最近、どうもal Shababの動きが活発らしい。うん、なんかBBCの個別記事になるレベルでの事件が起きてるかな、という気はする。

Over the past two months attacks by the jihadist group have increased in the capital.

Last week a shootout between jailed al-Shabab members and security officers at a prison claimed at least 20 lives.


BBC Somalia prison: Deadly shootout after al-Shabab militants attempt escape 11 Aug 2020

The number of people killed in a shootout between jailed militant Islamists and security officers at a prison in Somalia has risen to at least 20, officials say.

The al-Shabab militants had attempted to escape from the heavily guarded prison in the capital, Mogadishu.

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