


2019-10-21 22:49:57 | Newsメモ
bbc Putin accuses West of 'blackmailing' Africa 2019年10月21日

afpbb エスカレーターや冷水器もオフ... 資金難の国連、省コストに奔走 2019年10月14日 19:23 発信地:国連本部/米国 [ 米国 北米 ]


AFPは、アントニオ・グテレス(Antonio Guterres)事務総長が職員に宛てた書簡の写しを入手。この中でグテレス氏は、出張や祝宴の削減、新規採用の制限、文書や報告書、翻訳の削減、ひいては冷水器の使用停止まで、予定されているさまざまなコスト削減策を説明した




Business Insider Putin's Skyfall missile failed a test and exploded in a deadly nuclear accident, the US says Ellen Ioanes Oct 11, 2019, 11:57 PM

"The United States has determined that the explosion near Nyonoksa, Russia, was the result of a nuclear reaction that occurred during the recovery of a Russian nuclear-powered cruise missile," the official wrote. "The missile remained on the bed of the White Sea since its failed test early last year, in close proximity to a major population center."

An August 8 nuclear accident near Nyonoksa, Russia, was caused by a nuclear reaction that occurred while Russians were attempting to recover a nuclear-powered cruise missile submerged in the White Sea after a failed test last year.

"Attempts to build nuclear-propelled missiles are a relic of the early Cold War," Pollack told Insider.

BBC Australia bushfires: Dozens of houses destroyed or damaged 9 Oct 2019

Up to 30 houses have been destroyed or seriously damaged in a bushfire in the Australian state of New South Wales.

Authorities said one man had suffered serious burns in a fire that was thought to have been deliberately lit.

BBC Brazil dam disaster firms to face criminal charges 20 September 2019

Brazilian federal police have proposed criminal charges against mining giant Vale and German safety firm Tuv Sud and 13 of their employees over January's deadly dam collapse, reports say.

Police reportedly say both firms used falsified documents that said the Feijao dam was stable.

毎日新聞 記者も身を寄せた避難所 「体育館で雑魚寝」でいいのか 2019年10月20日 17時14分(最終更新 10月20日 17時53分)


毎日新聞 自転車で救急車を通せんぼ 公務執行妨害容疑で書類送検 田中恭太、藤田大道 2019年10月21日05時30分




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