


2023-11-13 23:24:06 | ソマリア関連
 ソマリアで平和維持軍として活動するウガンダ軍派遣部隊。al Shababの攻勢に際して敵前逃亡、そのせいもあってでしょう、ウガンダ軍将兵50名ほどが死亡した「事件」の廉で少佐2名を有罪評決。そりゃまあそうだろう。

BBC Ugandan army officers sacked for cowardice in attack on Somalia's Bulo Marer Atmis base 12 Nov 2023 By Joseph Winter

A Ugandan military court has found two officers guilty of cowardice as Islamist fighters stormed an African Union base in Somalia in May.

Majors Zadock Abor and John Oluka ran away after they came under attack by al-Shabab in Bulo Marer, south of the capital Mogadishu.

At least 50 Ugandan soldiers were killed, officials say.


The Ugandan military court sitting in Mogadishu heard that the officers had been given warning of an impending attack but failed to act to deter it.

As al-Shabab gunmen stormed the base, they failed to rally their troops and instead ran away to another base.

Both officers have been dismissed from the army.


The 19,000-strong African Union force was sent to Somalia in 2007 and helped force al-Shabab out of many cities.

It is scheduled to transfer security responsibilities to Somalia's government forces and leave the country next year.
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