


2023-11-02 22:39:32 | Newsメモ
 数日前には5000名程度だったものが、いまや7000名規模。メキシコ南部でキャラバンが組まれ、NGO組織がこれを援助。ホンジュラスやらベネズエラやらからの人たちも合流し、さあ米国で一旗揚げるぞ! とゆーかこの土地もう住めないし! と言う…。

BBC Migrant caravan heading through Mexico to US grows in numbers 2 Nov 2023 By Vanessa Buschschlüter


A group of thousands of migrants who have set off on foot for the United States from southern Mexico is steadily growing in size.

Its organiser says around 7,000 people now make up this migrant caravan, up from 5,000 just days ago.

Most of them are from Central and South America, local aid groups say.

US President Joe Biden is due to meet leaders from the region on Friday to discuss how to curb the flow of migrants to the United States.

Republicans say he is not doing enough to stem the flow and Democrat mayors, whose cities have seen an influx after Republican governors bussed newly arrived migrants there, have joined in the criticism, saying that their cities cannot house and feed them.


"In Venezuela things are very tough, we can't live with the money we get, it's not enough for us, and that's why we're going to the United States," a Venezuelan father who was embarking on the long walk with his wife and two daughters told Reuters news agency.

One of the organisers of the caravan, Irineo Mújica of the NGO People without Borders, said that the migrants had set off together after having been left "stranded" by the Mexican authorities in increasingly dangerous Chiapas state.

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