


2024-01-18 20:15:12 | Newsメモ

BBC UN appeals for urgent funding to battle drought in Ethiopia 18 Jan 2024


The UN's humanitarian agency says it is concerned by the worsening drought in Ethiopia and needs more funds to step up its response.

The drought has impacted four million people in the conflict-ridden Amhara and Oromia regions, as well as Afar and Tigray, the UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said on Wednesday.

"Multiple and often overlapping crises have severely weakened people’s ability to cope with climate shocks such as drought – leaving millions of people vulnerable to falling even further into severe need and destitution," the agency added.



BBC Mystery disease kills hundreds of cattle in Mozambique 4 Jan 2024 by Jose Tembe


The Mozambican authorities are concerned over a strange disease that has killed more than 900 cattle in the country’s central region since December.

The disease is unknown to breeders and veterinary authorities.


The disease is unknown to breeders and veterinary authorities.

It broke out in the province of Manica, on the border with Zimbabwe and has spread to three of the province’s districts.

Concerned breeders are asking for an urgent response from veterinary authorities to prevent further losses, amid fears that the disease could spread and kill more cattle.

Early last year, a rare disease caused by ticks killed close to 400 heads of cattle, in the village of Chinhambudzi, a border region with Zimbabwe, also in Manica province.



BBC Colombia landslide kills 23 including many sheltering in house 13 Jan 2024

A landslide in north-west Colombia has killed at least 23 people and injured around 30 more, local authorities say.

The road connecting the cities of Medellin and Quibdo had been closed by several landslides, so many people stopped their cars to take shelter in a house near the community of Carmen de Atrato, a local official said.

Another landslide then struck the road, burying them and some of the vehicles.

On the road "many people" left their vehicles to take shelter in a house near the municipality of Carmen de Atrato, an official from the Choco governor's office told AFP.

"Unfortunately a landslide came and buried them," the official added.



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