


2024-06-09 21:17:07 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Dead in 6 hours: How Nigerian sextortion scammers targeted my son 12 hours ago
By Joe Tidy


Sextortion is the fastest-growing scam affecting teenagers globally and has been linked to more than 27 suicides in the US alone. Many of the scammers appear to be from Nigeria - where authorities are defending their actions and are under pressure to do more.

It has been two years since Jenn Buta’s son Jordan killed himself after being targeted by scammers who lured him into sending them explicit images of himself, and then tried to blackmail him.


She still can’t bring herself to change anything about his bedroom.

The 17-year-old’s basketball jerseys, clothes, posters and bedsheets are just how he left them.
The curtains are closed, and the door is shut to keep memories of him that only a parent would understand.

 手口としては、流石に大昔の金融詐欺より現代化しており―年頃のプリティ・ガールのふりして秘密の写真を送って、貴方のも欲しいな💕 と送って、で首尾よく微妙な写真を手に入れる。そこで

Samuel, 22, and Samson Ogoshi, 20, arrested in Lagos, are awaiting sentencing in the US

 20前後の男性の正体を現し、おいおい、今送ったもろだし写真、公開してもいいのかなー? されたくなければカネぇ送れや―と脅迫。君のお友達にピンポイントで送ったろか? とか。


They pretended to be a pretty girl his age and flirted with him, sending sexual pictures to coax him into sharing explicit photos of himself.

They then blackmailed him for hundreds of pounds to stop them sharing the pictures online to his friends.

Jordan sent as much money as he could and warned the sextortionists he would kill himself if they spread the images. The criminals replied: “Good… Do that fast - or I'll make you do it.”
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