


2024-05-27 22:03:01 | ナイジェリア事情
 中部Nijer州。Boko Haramが辺境の村を襲撃、用心棒のハンターたちを殺して女子供を大量誘拐、ざっと160名以上とのこと。久々に大規模誘拐やらかしたなあ…という感想。

BBC At least 160 villagers reported taken in deadly raid 15 hours ago
Chris Ewokor,
Thomas Mackintosh

 Boko Haramは近年、イスラーム過激派反乱組織としてではなく、banditsとして認知が高い。やってることが、もはや『神の抵抗軍』以外の何ものでもないしなあ。

Ten people have been killed and at least 160 other villagers have been kidnapped from a remote community in Nigeria's central Niger state, officials say.

A large number of armed men, suspected to be from Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram, invaded Kuchi village on Friday night, local official Aminu Abdulhamid Najume told the BBC's World Service.

Those kidnapped were mostly women and children, while those killed included local hunters who were providing security for the area, he said.


The gunmen reportedly rode into Kuchi on motorbikes and even spent time cooking food, making tea and looting houses before leaving more than two hours later.

 このKuchi村は、どうも以前からBoko Haramにとっては狩場であって、適宜襲撃しては身代金を取ったり、あるいは略奪しないための保証金を取ったり、女性を「お楽しみ」の対象としたりし―「生かさず殺さず」収奪する対照としていた様子。

"The invasion of the village by the gunmen is yet another indication of the Nigerian authorities' utter failure to protect lives," it said.

"Since 2021 gunmen have been consistently attacking Kuchi village and raping women and girls in their matrimonial homes.

"From time to time, the gunmen demand millions of Naira as ransom from the people to avoid being kidnapped.

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