


2024-06-08 18:19:11 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Nigeria unions suspend strike after wage offer 4 days ago
By Simi Jolaoso in Lagos & Mansur Abubakar in Kano


Nigeria’s trade unions have suspended a general strike by workers that has brought economic activity to a halt this week.

The decision comes after the government promised to increase the national minimum wage to at least 60,000 naira ($40, £32) a month.

This falls below the $330 that unions have been demanding, but is double the current monthly wage.
The strike began on Monday and led to the shutdown of the country's power grid, leaving millions without electricity.



BBC Dozens of gold miners trapped in Nigeria 3 days ago
By Mansur Abubakar


Dozens of gold miners are trapped underground after a pit collapsed in central Nigeria.

The incident happened on Monday after heavy rainfall in Niger state but news was slow to emerge because of the country's general strike, which was called off on Tuesday.

Niger state emergency service agency spokesman Hussaini Ibrahim told the BBC that one person has been confirmed dead and they think over 30 people are still trapped as rescue efforts continue.

Officials believe the collapse was caused by the torrential rains which softened the soil.
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