


2024-05-28 22:23:25 | Newsメモ

BBC Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people 11 hours ago
Aleem Maqbool


Pope Francis is reported to have used extremely derogatory language in an incident that could have a profound impact on the way his attitude towards gay people is perceived.

When asked at the Italian Bishops’ Conference if gay men should now be allowed to train for the priesthood as long as they remained celibate, Pope Francis said they should not.

He is then believed to have continued by saying in Italian that there was, in the Church, already too much of an air of frociaggine, which translates as a highly offensive slur.


Although it was a meeting that happened behind closed doors, the Pope’s reported comments were first conveyed to the Italian tabloid website Dagospia.

There has been shock at the Pope’s reported language at this private meeting, particularly as he has often talked publicly of being respectful towards gay people.
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